sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Paulo Freire.

Paulo Freire was born in 1921 in Recife, Brazil. In 1947 he began work with adult illiterates in North-East Brazil and gradually evolved a method of work with which the word conscientization has been associated.

Until 1964 he was Professor of History and Philosophy of Education in the University of Recife and in the 1960s he was involved with a popular education movement to deal with massive illiteracy. From 1962 there were widespread experiments with his method and the movement was extended under the patronage of the federal government. In 1963-4 there were courses for co-ordinators in all Brazilian states and a plan was drawn up for the establishment of 2000 cultural circles to reach 2,000,000 illiterates!

Freire was imprisoned following the 1964 coup d’etat for what the new regime considered to be subversive elements in his teaching. He next appeared in exile in Chile where his method was used and the UN School of Political Sciences held seminars on his work. In 1969-70 he was Visiting Professor at the Centre for the Study of Development and Social Change at Harvard University.

He then went to the World Council of Churches in Geneva where, in 1970, he took up a post as special consultant in the Office of Education. Over the next nine years in that post he advised on education reform and initiated popular education activities with a range of groups.

Paulo Freire was able to return to Brazil by 1979. Freire joined the Workers’ Party in Sao Paulo and headed up its adult literacy project for six years. When the party took control of Sao Paulo municipality following elections in 1988, Paulo Freire was appointed as Sao Paulo’s Secretary of Education.

Freire died in 1997

jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

Interesting contribution!

Performing a search to make a good contribution from my blog, I found an interesting page where you can find links to other pages in which there is great deal of information. We can find in teaching strategies, opinions, information materials and very many more on the teaching of science!

I hope it is useful and serve them in their work as teachers.

Here is the link!

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

¿What is a Higgs Boson?

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced this week thanks to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator in the world, achieved a breakthrough that will not only be key to understanding the structure of matter, it opens a window that can revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

Why this particle is known as the Higgs?

Because the British physicist Peter Higgs of the University of Edinburgh, who was conceived theoretically in 1964. Over time, the Higgs theory was strong, and the search for this particle became part of the main goals of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. To show that Higgs was right it took nearly 50 years, the work of thousands of scientists around the world and the construction of this gigantic collider, the largest scientific experiment in human civilization (it cost $ 10 billion).

What properties are what make it so important to the Higgs boson?

The importance of the Higgs' boson ", which is big and heavy, thousands of times more than an electron, for example, is that it is a kind of 'magical creature', capable of conferring mass to all others, as interacts with them. The Higgs boson produces a field around it, that affects everything that gets in the way.

What if there is no 'magic particle'?

Everything in the universe, including us, would float freely around like ghosts, unable combinarnos with other particles. That is, without this particle, matter, as we know it would not exist.

What's with the 'boson'?

Is the name given to the class of subatomic particles that carry with them a force field. Since the force of gravity (the particle, the graviton, has not been found) or electromagnetism, among others.